Monday, September 10, 2012

29 face 10/29 Diana Goddess

I was going somewhere totally different.  I wanted to do an Afro girl, but this is what came out during sketching time.
mixed mdia 98lb 9x12 paper
HB graphite pencil


Raine said...

isn't that funny how drawing/paitnings/ art in general have a life of their own? They totally come out the way the want to! happens to me all the time! LOL

love, love the way yours decided to come out! :)

denthe said...

Happens to me too! I love it when it happens, just going with the flow and letting your art lead you. Love how she came out!

Lola D said...

Lime Tree & denthe
Thank you!.

I love how creative experiences do their own twists. When I have a specific plan, I can never really create anythign I truly like. WHen I have a notion, but let it do what it wants, then I have pieces I like! :) Same goes with my writing. :)

Thank you both for stopping by and commenting! I love both of yoru works :)

Deborah Younglao, Silk Painter said...

lol. You are wise not to try and argue with a piece of art work that has a mind of its own!