Friday, September 18, 2009

Bali Moon

Last night I had the polyclay for months, a wire wrapped unit for an earring, and a grey angle waiting for a match. I'm sitting at my table around 9PM and randomly start pulling them together (all three originally made for 3 separate projects months ago). My new piece Bali Moon is the result! Finished it at 2AM!

silver toned wire, silver plated beads & dangle, pearlized grey glass bead, silver toned bead cap, polyclay face
approximately 3 inches long


Deborah Younglao, Silk Painter said...

Thanks for voting on my painting Lola, and for giving the reasons why you chose what you did! Please send me your mailing address so I can send out your notecards!

I like the monochrome colors on this piece - it kinda has an air of mystery....

Lola D said...

Thanks for the comments! I hope you have/ do well at he show!
