Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ever since November I have been in a massive crochet immersion craze. I tried several times over the years to be able to crochet. I learned my basic stitches several years back and struggled make a white queen size blanket for YEARS! I have been working on that thing off and on for at least 8-10 years (no exaggerations). It's STILL in the closet in a bag. However, since November and several hours of watching youtube videos and looking at diagrams and trying to read patterns, I have just had a ball with this crochet madness. WOOT! My yarn stash has grown substantially. I had about 7-9 skein left over from years of trying. Now, I have at least 50. Now for the people already entrenched in crochet or knitting that may not seem like much of a stash, and truthfully in comparison to my bead stash it's nothing! LOL But I am just hooked on this right now. As you all know I have been making wire jewelry for over 12 years. I have not made a piece of jewelry other than a 4 strand necklace for my mom, a single strand kiddie necklace, and a pair of earrings (all Christmas gifts)since ... I'm not sure when. The last few shows were terrible. I did not sell much. I got a lot of oohs and aahhhs and that's so gorgeous, but very few dollars plopped down - that gets discouraging, especially when tables right next to you get lots of business yet their pieces are sub par. So I took a break from making much. I haven't even bought wire in a long while. For the Wire Queen not to have wire ( I am down to about 5 spools)... well that tells you something right there. Basically I am just having fun branching into my crochet items. Of course the next step will be to work in more beads :) If you want to see more of what I've been up to jump on over to my youtube channel I post a new vid each Tuesday and often mid week bits, too. Come on over. Tell a friend. Subscribe. You might be in time for the give away :)

1 comment:

Garnie said...

Hi Lola,
Bonnie told me about your blog. I too am a crafter, Kumihimo and beadwork. But for the past 3 months I have been busy crocheting hats. So you are not alone. I miss my Kumuhimo and look forward to getting back to it. You do some beautiful crochet work. I really like your cowls. Drop by my blog and take a look... http://myworldofkumihimo.blogspot.