Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lemon aid Award!!!

Thanks Shay! She nominated my page for this juicy award! I haven't yet been around to have another 10 blogs to nominate. Izzy and Shay are already at the top of my list (excellent gals both!!!)

Here are the rules from Shay's page! Join the fun!

Here are the rules for the award:
1.Put the logo on your blog or post
2.Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great Gratitude and/or Attitude.
3.Be sure to list and link your nominees within your post.
4.Let them know they have received this award by leaving a comment on their blog.
5.Nominate your favorites and link to your post.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I am excited to say that I have been accepted as a teacher over on! I will submit the Dainty Sisters Pendent tutorial soon. It feels good to be accepted by fellow jewelry artists. SMILE!! I will also post it on Etsy.

I'm thrilled to be making jewelry again. I've slowed down since my father got sick back in November and was in the hospital for 2 months, then came home and died. It was and is a very difficult time. I counted on jewelry making, writing, and photography to get me through the hard times. It all shoot down though- nothing worked to help me at all. I barely made my Christmas presents and they did not turn out the way I wanted. Creativity- sucked out the window. I haven't been able to do much lately. Working on this tutorial has helped get some spark back- this and the gem and jewelry show last weekend. It's funny how some beads, wire, pliers, etc. can be a light at the end of a dark tunnel.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Kato polyclay

Yesterday I played with Kato polyclay. Previosuly I had used Sculpey III for my polyclay needs. After working with the Kato, I am hooked! It is a much harder clay to work. It took a fair amount of rolling and working to get it conditioned. However, I loved how it held its shape. Also the clay mixed well. I used translucent and mixed varying amounts of the solid colors into it. When I baked the clay the shine was excelent. I really liked how it had a slight gloss. This was not true when I used translucent Sculpey III- it baked an all the shine dried up.

Here are a few clay faces made of Kato polyclay! I can't wait to work them up into some fantastic wire pendents!!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dainty Sisters Pendents Tutorial

I have had two tutorials in the works. One completely finished. The second, I needed to take more photos for the step by step process. Last night I finished the second round of photos! I now have to do photo editing and a little rephrasing in the text and bam!- second tut done! I will be posting it up for sale by next week. I am so excited. Here are a few pictures of the finished Dainty Sisters Pendents (inspired by my sister of course!). Enjoy!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cell Phone Fun in a Flash!- cross post

Cell Phone Fun in a Flash!!
by Jami Lyn Denman (AKA LOLA_D) Feb. 28, 2009.

Most of us have them. Most of the one's we have come equipped with those quick shutters. Oh, sure they are good for a quick snap of something unimportant or instant gratification, but can you really do anything exciting with them? It's just a cell phone cam. It can't compare to my hefty multi-functioned digi or SLR? Right? Wrong! You can whip that cell phone out and produce some interesting snaps! Come and join the fun!

First, I recommend trying out the features on your cell phone. Simple see what you cell phone cam can do. I have a 3G VU. I simply go click the cam button and up pops a full screen cam with on board controls. There is a mode, zoom, exposure options. There is also a video record option. Under the mod there is micro and night and self timer. Nothing as fancy as what's on the digi's of today, but even these controls can help with a good pic! I'm sure your cell phone cam has its own features. Check them out then take a picture!


The Vu. doesn't have a flash. In low light situations that's definitely a problem. It can also be a problem if the cam is just not picking up the brightness you want to have. Here is a quick tip, turn on the night mode! Sure it's noon but your cell cam isn't reading it right! Flip on the night mode. It also works to adjust some of the color cast. Try it. Take one photo without night mode. Take the same with night mode switched on. Brightness!!!

by Jami Lyn Denman (aka Lola_D) Feb. 28, 2009.